March 9, 2023 = The Octantis and Science Activities on Board

The Octantis’ Science lab overlooks the hangar where the two submarines, seventeen zodiacs, two special operations boats and eight kayaks are stored, and from which they are launched.

On the second day of each segment of the voyage, a lecture on the scientific activities underway on the Octangts is offered, followed by an invitation to visit the laboratory and assist in the experiments. Two weather balloons were released during the voyage timed to other balloon releases all over the world. More balloons would have been released, but until the Octantis was resupplied with helium in Fort Lauderdale, Florida, the ship did not have enough helium for additional launches. Bird and wildlife were catalogued and written on a white board on Deck 2 in the Expedition area.

Tne Octgantis mapped the seabed as we went along. A surprising amount of the ocean in the southern seas and Antartica remain to be mapped.


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